POSTED ON: Sunday 5 January 2014 @ Sunday, January 05, 2014 | 0 comments

So how's your first day of the new year so far? ((macam dh lambat je update lol))
Its my last day of starts tomorrow. So I had a late morning. Drink coffee. Had rice!. And do more ironing. I secretly wish my laundry could magically sort itself but haha I suppose that's God way of joking around with me - miracles are not happening today baby :P So best start doing it on your own.
Anyways, have you sorted out your new resolutions yet?
I have a few personal goals in mind, but I really want the new year to be more about starting small little changes to my habits - those little changes that can make ripples towards a more fulfilling journey. A point for self note :
So I suppose simple aspirations will do.

Eat well. Eat clean. Laugh more. Love all. Be kind. Exercise. Balance work with personal space. Meditate. Focus. Travel to new places. Go back to places I love.Make new friends. Reconnect with old friends.


I got great hopes for the next 360 days. Lets make this happen.
Wishing all another great year ahead.

Love and light.

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