POSTED ON: Friday 17 January 2014 @ Friday, January 17, 2014 | 0 comments

im quite sure,i ve seen life. Maybe, im a little younger to say tht, but i think i ve figured it out.
you study or work, just grow up.get married & ve kids. go with the drama. Then you become old&old. typical life. filled with happiness & sadness.bout these two things, do you know, these two things depend on each other? there's nothing like only sadness or happiness. Happiness stands bcause there's sadness. same goes for the opposite. i read somewhere, in life, these two things are balanced. i hope you understand. I am not sure about this quote act.
im not interested. i don't want anybody to be sad or happy for me. i don't want to be sad or happy for anyone. simple. too much trouble i thought hm. i don't hate people. although sometimes it's irritating, but i know these are just regular people. will i fall in love really? that's another reason.
i kinda planned my future. Insha Allah i'll try my best to be a good person, a good muslim& a good daughter to my we know, tiada seorang pun yg sempurna tapi tak salah mencuba untuk jadi yg terbaik kan?

 i want more and more to be alone. im keeping people away. i'll remain distant.

p/s: suddenly ter-emo pula sorry

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